For the American People
“The wicked strut about on every side
When vileness is exalted among the sons of men.”
- Psalm 12:8
Heavenly Father, in your great mercy and grace,
Lord Jesus Christ, in your great wisdom and obedience,
Holy Spirit, in your great presence and influence,
I pray for the American people.
Let us be not be sheep thoughtlessly divided
Incensed by our politicians and enemies
Who aim to confuse and enrage us
For their gain of power and riches.
Our enemies with a long-term and patient mindset
Aim to destroy us in this generation or the next.
While our politicians with their short-term mindset
Aim for re-election even as they lead our nation to shame and defeat.
Let us not be simple-minded,
As they believe us to be,
But, instead be wise
And discerning of the politicians we employ to represent our voice and communities.
Let us understand that corruption lives on both sides of the political aisle,
And, so the answer is not to entrench ourselves in our politic’s religion
Feigning, or outright accepting, ignorance,
So, that our party maintains power,
Justified that “at least our guy isn’t as bad as their guy.”
What shamefully low expectations we’ve set for our leaders.
And, by extension, what shamefully low expectations we’ve set
For ourselves, for our children and for our nation.
Let us regain our clarity and unity
That some values and truths do not change and do not waiver.
That we DO NOT negotiate with terrorists
As we are with Iran in a prisoner exchange,
Lifting sanctions and paying them $6 billion
That we know will only enable Iran to further fund
Terrorism and their development of nuclear capabilities.
The progress of this deal announced on September 11th, no less,
Disrespecting the memory of our people attacked in the World Trade Center and in Benghazi.
Meanwhile, we tighten the noose around our people’s neck
With crippling debt and continued inflation.
This week it was announced that median household income fell 2.5% when adjusted for inflation.
Our national debt will soon reach and exceed $33 trillion,
As our politicians aim to raise the debt ceiling and our deficit.
“The rich rule over the poor,
and the borrower is slave to the
- Proverbs 22:7
“Do not be one who shakes hands in
or puts up security for debts;
if you lack the means to pay,
your very bed will be snatched from
under you.”
- Proverbs 22:26-27
May we wake up from our drunken debt stupor,
And soberly rebuild our spending habits
To live within our means and invest wisely
The blessings you have given us.
If this is your will, let it be.
Let us center our lives on you.
Let us measure our lives in your grace.
And, let us go out as changed people
Through your Holy Spirit
And, spread your light in this world.
Thank you for watching over SG. Continue to bring him back to health.
Please watch over
SK’s mother in her sickness. Give SK and his father strength and peace to support her.
MH’s brother in his relationship with his wife
The men from my Bible study as we each navigate spiritual warfare—to not get preoccupied and tripped up by the little bumps and annoyances that plague our day-to-day, but rather to keep our eyes on you
My son, L, who turned 13 yesterday, as he enters young adulthood. Walk with him and guide him. May his relationship with you grow strong. And, may I be a wise father to him, shepherding him to know and love you, to know his value to you and find his purpose in you
I am for you, in Christ.